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Danish Parliament Passes Questionable Bill Regarding Armenian Genocide – Armenian Cause Foundation

Danish Parliament Passes Questionable Bill Regarding Armenian Genocide

Bill Challenges Turkey’s Restrictions on Armenian Genocide Speech

( COPENHAGEN, Denmark—The Danish Parliament (Folketing) adopted a new resolution regarding the Armenian Genocide on Jan. 26, which recognizes the “tragic and bloody events that took place in eastern Anatolia in the period 1915-1923,” and states that the best way for reconciliation is through open dialogue on the basis of a “free and uncensored history research, including the release of all official documents from the period.”

While the bill criticizes Turkey and the fact that the term “genocide” cannot freely be used by its citizens and media, it does not specifically label the Armenian Genocide as such—except for in its title. The bill also states that the Parliament “maintains its parliamentary tradition not to issue judgments about historical events.”

After over two hours of discussion on the document brought to the Folketing agenda by Parliamentarians Nick Hækkerup, Søren Espersen, Michael Aastrup Jensen, Henrik Dahl, Martin Lidegaard, and Naser Khader, the Danish Parliament voted 89 to 9 with 11 abstentions to pass the measure.

“The Parliament confirms its decision no. V 54 of 19 May 2015 on the tragic and bloody events that took place in eastern Anatolia in the period 1915-1923. The Danish Parliament finds that the best path to reconciliation will be an open dialogue about the story on the basis of a free and uncensored history research, including the release of all official documents from the period. The Parliament regrets that Turkish law prohibits citizens and media to use the term ‘genocide’ about the events, and considers this to be an unreasonable restriction of both academic freedom as freedom of expression relates to the use of this term. Parliament maintains its parliamentary tradition not to issue judgments about historical events,” reads the adopted bill.

In 2015, the Danish Parliament adopted a measure, which recognized the “deportations, massacres and other atrocities” that had been committed against the Armenian population Anatolia in 1915-1923. In that bill, the Parliament expressed hope that there can be “reconciliation and normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey,” and called on both governments to work towards that.

In 2008, then Danish Foreign Affairs Minister Per Stig Møller has said in a written parliamentary answer that in the Danish government’s opinion, the issue of the Armenian Genocide is a “historical question that should be left up to the historians,” indicating that Denmark would not recognize the genocide.


Forslag til vedtagelse V 26 Om det armenske folkedrab.

Af Nick Hækkerup (S) , Søren Espersen (DF) , Michael Aastrup Jensen (V) , Henrik Dahl (LA) , Martin Lidegaard (RV) , Naser Khader (KF)

Samling: 2016-17
Status: Vedtaget

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Fremsat 19-01-2017


Forslag til vedtagelse
Folketinget bekræfter sin vedtagelse nr. V 54 af 19. maj 2015 vedrørende de tragiske og blodige begivenheder, som udspillede sig i det østlige Anatolien i perioden 1915-1923. Folketinget finder, at den bedste vej til forsoning vil være en åben dialog om historien på grundlag af en fri og ucensureret historieforskning, herunder frigivelse af alle officielle dokumenter fra perioden. Folketinget beklager, at tyrkisk lovgivning forbyder borgere og medier at bruge betegnelsen »folkedrab« om begivenhederne, og finder, at dette udgør en urimelig begrænsning af såvel forskningsfriheden som ytringsfriheden uden hermed at forholde sig til anvendelsen af denne benævnelse. Folketinget fastholder dermed sin parlamentariske tradition for ikke at udstede domme over historiske begivenheder.

Vedtaget 89 stemmer for forslaget (S, DF, V, LA, RV, KF) 9 stemmer imod forslaget (EL) 11 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget (ALT, Zenia Stampe (RV), SF). Zenia Stampe (RV) stemte ved en fejl hverken for eller imod forslaget.


Forslag til vedtagelse V 54 Om det armenske folkedrab.

Af Jacob Lund (S) , Lone Loklindt (RV) , Holger K. Nielsen (SF) , Lars Barfoed (KF)

Samling: 2014-15 (1. samling)
Status: Vedtaget

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Fremsat 12-05-2015


Forslag til vedtagelse
I anledning af 100-året for de tvangsdeportationer, massakrer og andre overgreb på armeniere, der udspillede sig i det østlige Anatolien i perioden 1915-23, understreger Folketinget vigtigheden af at respektere alle nationale, etniske og religiøse mindretals rettigheder i regionen. Folketinget udtrykker håb om, at der kan ske en forsoning og en normalisering af forholdet mellem Armenien og Tyrkiet, opfordrer begge landes regeringer til at arbejde herfor og noterer sig, at en fortsat forbedring af Tyrkiets respekt for landets etniske, religiøse og nationale mindretal vil kunne bidrage hertil.