Czech Chamber of Deputies recognises the Armenian Genocide

( Prague-This evening, the Czech Republic’s Lower House of Parliament adopted a resolution, by which it recognised the Armenian Genocide.

Czech Chamber of Deputies Approves Armenian Genocide Resolution (FOTO: ČTK)
Czech Chamber of Deputies Approves Armenian Genocide Resolution (FOTO: ČTK)

The resolution partly states: “The Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic condemns the crimes against humanity committed against the Jews, Roma and Slavs in the territories conquered by the Nazis during the Second World War; condemns the Armenian Genocide and genocides of other ethnic and religious minorities which took place within the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War, as well as genocidal acts committed in other parts of the globe, and calls on the international community to effectively halt human and civilian rights violations in the world as well as resolve disputes through peaceful means…”

In reality, this is the first time that members of the Chamber of Deputies have used the word genocide. The resolution was presented by a member of the Social Democrat Party, the Head of the Czech-Armenian Friendship Group, Robin Bohnisch.

As was informed through its parliamentary sources, 104 voted for, and none against (Vote No. 414).

A resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide had earlier been passed by the International Relations Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, on 14th April 2015.

Usnesení No. 413

Poslanecká sněmovna Parlamentu České republiky odsuzuje zločiny proti lidskosti prováděné nacisty v letech 2. světové války na židovském, romském a slovanském obyvatelstvu ovládnutých území, genocidu Arménů a dalších národnostních a náboženských menšin na území Osmanské říše v období 1. světové války, jakož i další genocidní násilí kdekoli na Zemi, a vyzývá mezinárodní společenství k účinné prevenci porušování lidských a občanských práv ve světě a k řešení sporů mírovými prostředky.