Turkey And The Armenian Ghost: On The Traces of Genocide

(Le Figaro, March 30, 2013) – In a review about the book “Turkey and the Armenian ghost: on the traces of Genocide”, co-authored by Laure Marchand, correspondent for “Le Figaro” and Guillaume Perrier, correspondent for “Le Monde”, Pierre Rousselin highlights the fact that while the world stands just two years before the centennial commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in 2015, Turkey seems incapable of coming to terms with her past. Rosselin wonders whether the Centennial will incite Turks and their government to confront their history.

The book is a study conducted on the field with numerous interviews, testimonials and visits to churches, villages and sites that have survived destruction, sacrilege and oblivion. Escapees, forcibly converted to Islam, and “justs” who saved persecuted victims are given the chance to speak through this book. The two journalists describe how the Turkish authorities refused the use of the word “genocide” and the historical concequences of this crime. Rousselin writes that irrespective of what one may think about the Armenian Cause, one thing is clear; the determination of the Turkish state to minimize the scope of their “problem”. The “Le Figaro” columnist underlines that at a time that Turkey aspires joining the European family which is built exactly on working with history, Turkey should revisit the subject of the Genocide.
The book also explains why the Armenian Cause remains in the heart of the Franco-Turkish relations.

Watch the interview of Marchand and Perrier to France 24 (in french).

Laure Marchand et Guillaume Perrier, auteurs de “La Turquie et le fantôme arménien”


State of Paraná Passes Law for Armenian Genocide Rememberance Day

Ney Leprevost

The Legislative Assembly of the State of Paraná, Brazil, passed a law recognizing the Genocide of the Armenian people. The draft law which was submitted by deputy Ney Leprevost and was signed by Governor Beto Richa, came into effect on March 28.

In the supporting text of the law, Leprevost had written “The recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the Legislative Assembly of Paraná would ease the suffering of millions of Armenians scattered throughout the world and Turkey would become more aware of its past.”

According to the law, April 24 is set as the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day and will henceforth be included in the official calendar of events of the State of Paraná.